Sweet, crisp and flavorful
Ripens mid-September
Self-fruitful and a good
pollinizer for other apples
On M111 rootstock.
Less than 500 chill hours
Juicy, sweet and flavorful
Crisp like an apple
Russeted skin
Some fireblight resistance
Pollinized by other Asian
Ripens in September
On semi-dwarf rootstock and will grow up to 15'
Needs 450 chill hours
Some people enjoy the tart
flavor while others use
these large juicy cherries
for making pies
Ripens in early July
Needs 500 chill hours
Dwarf trees that grow 8-10'
Chinese date
The largest variety of jujube
Has spines
Drought resistant.
Pest and disease resistant
Tastes like apple when green
and starting to turn
Prefers hot summers
Ripens in fall
Self-fruitful and a good
pollinizer for other
Very low chill requirements
Long (3") red to black fruit
Ripens over 1 month in early
Larger vigorous disease-
resistant tree
Very attractive to birds
Large freestone peach
One of the highest rated fruits at tastings
Highly aromatic with a rich flavor
Resistant to peach leaf curl
On Citation rootstock
Tree will grow 8-14'
Ripens late August - early September
Tart until fully ripe, then sweet
Needs 700 chill hours
Superb slightly spicy flavor. Chocolate refers to the color, not the flavor
Ripens in November
Mature size is 12-16'
When pollinated by another persimmon variety, the flesh turns brown and it can be eaten when firm like a Fuyu. If there is no pollinizer nearby, it can be eaten soft like a Hachiya.
Needs 200 chill hours
Medium, sweet, flat shaped fruit
Non-astringent and can be eaten when crunchy
Hardy tree that does well in cool or hot climates
Ripens mid Oct-November.
200 chill hours
Large sweet fruit.
Non-astringent and eaten crunchy
Can be grown in cool or hot climates
Harvest mid-September to mid-November
200 chill hours
A hybrid prolific fruit mostly cherry and plum
The size is a little smaller than a plum
Ripens in July
Can be pollenated by Santa Rosa plum, Burgundy plum or Flavor King pluot
Unpruned will grow 15-25'.
On Myro 29C rootstock
200-300 chill hours
Large yellow cherry with red blush
Sweet and flavorful
Ripens at the end of May
Good pollinizers are Van, Lambert, Lapins, Black Tartarian and Bing
700 chill hours
Dark red sweet cherry that wins taste tests
Large, firm fruit
Low susceptibility to cracking
700-800 chill hours
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